Thursday, February 7, 2008

An Update That's Not Much of an Update

Hi, all.

Not much has changed in the past week in terms of my debt, but as we all know, the fight to erase significant amounts of debt is a long, slow, arduous one. What's more, with - let's just call it a sizeable chunk - of money going toward my wedding budget, there isn't likely to be much change for the time being.

Although it is a result of saving for the wedding that my debt amount will not decrease by much, it was the engagement that prompted us to be more disciplined in our savings and it was the engagement that will eventually lead to my climbing out of debt. In short, we plan to continue saving the same amount of money ($600 per month) and apply that money to our credit cards on a rotating basis each month. In between, all other cards will receive the minimum payment.

So that's it. My update that's not much of an update.

1 comment:

Cori said...

It's so frustrating saving money for a wedding while you're trying to get your old college debt paid off... then worrying about saving money for a house.. and kids.. it's never ending. Sometimes it feels like there's no hope of ever being free of it.